Website design for Business Break.Tips

Business Break is a content-rich website for business owners that provides tips and ideas on how to win more customers and encourage growth through excellence in various areas, including customer experience, business strategy, e-commerce and technology.

Banner business break
High quality, curated content

As business owners, the group behind Business Break knows the value of practical advice. Succinct and action-oriented, the tips and ideas are organized in multiple functional categories to ensure users can effortlessly find the latest content relevant to their interests.

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Webdesign bbreak
Readable and shareable

Efficient design and a neutral colour scheme ensures that the content speaks for itself. Business Break users enjoy an uninterrupted reading experience that is complemented by relevant visuals and the ability to share content they enjoy with their social networks at the click of a button.

Scalable, like your business

Websites, like businesses, grow over time. Business Break’s content is categorized in a robust and intuitive way that can be expanded as needed, helping users to find information relevant to their industry or business stage, their interest in market or technology trends, or simply by using the powerful search function.

Collaborative content management

The powerful content management system means that new content can be added to the website quickly and easily, allowing multiple authors to contribute their Business Break ideas at the same time.

Responsive Web Design Mobile Performance

Functional at any size, this fully responsive website priortizes readability, while remaining easily searchable, with all categories easily accessible from the compact navigation.


Key pages

Key pagesbbreak
The result is a dynamic, content-driven website that is practical and engaging. It showcases the breadth of Business Break’s business insight and expertise in an accessible and convenient way that will keep readers coming back for more.
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