Understanding Azure. Cloud Provider Leader

November 24, 2023 / Time to read: 3 minutes
Understanding Azure. Cloud Provider Leader
In business, continuity and speed have become critical. Storing data for long periods of time, utilizing high storage efficiency, addressing critical backup and recovery issues, and providing protection - these and more are all necessities, not whims. Business transformation is not possible without optimizing the approach to building and maintaining IT infrastructure. IT development is constantly undergoing global changes, so in 2006 the Internet industry opened the world to cloud technologies.

Microsoft Azure is one of the main services of global scale, which has more than a hundred data centers and is available around the world. 

Cloud technologies are developing very actively today. Even 5-10 years ago, each IT developer had to have its own server infrastructure of sufficiently large capacity, which was maintained by a separate engineer. Today, as part of a boxed solution, the necessary capacity can be rented in the cloud.

Cloud platform operating model

Microsoft Azure is a set of remote computing services (servers, software, storage) that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Moreover, Azure can be used not only in the IaaS scenario, i.e. you can use the IT infrastructure without investing in your own server equipment, but also in the PaaS scenario. The second option implies the possibility of developing and administering your own web services, mobile applications and software in the cloud.

Here are a few scenarios for using Microsoft Azure: 

  • a platform for web applications and hosting their databases;
  • software testing and development;
  • video and other media processing;
  • back-end mobile applications;
  • Big Data storage and processing center.

Microsoft Azure has a very flexible billing model, according to which only the resources actually used are paid for. If necessary, the platform can be scaled up to the required level almost instantly. In this case, it is possible to manage costs in a very flexible way, which is impossible when using local server infrastructure.

Advantages of Azure

The public platform has a number of advantages. The following are some of them:

  1. Hybrid utilization. Combining the merits of public and private clouds in a hybrid model, which provides customizability for different needs.
  2. Flexibility. Compatibility with different systems, languages, and platforms, including Windows and Linux, to create cross-platform applications.
  3. Cost-effectiveness. Competitive pricing with the ability to pay for actual resources used, which provides cost control.
  4. Infrastructure. Based on virtual machines and efficient management tools, providing scalability, reliability, and stability without the need to rent virtual servers.
  5. Access Regulation. User group management, synchronization with existing directories, and single sign-on to Microsoft Cloud Azure for effective security management.

Wrap up

Microsoft's Azure stands out because of its hybrid model that combines the pros of public and private clouds. With its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and robust virtual machine-based infrastructure, Azure provides an efficient solution for a variety of business needs. Plus, convenient access control and a wide range of usage scenarios make it a popular choice in the cloud world.

Discover more about our cloud services and how we can assist you in harnessing the power of Azure for your business needs.

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